Private law

We provide advisory services to private individuals and organisations regarding all legal aspects of private life. Nyborg & Rørdam has some of this country’s greatest capacities within the field of private law, both within family law and tax law as well as in cases with international aspects. Since 2019, Nyborg & Rørdam has ranked in Chambers High Net Worth Ranking Guide in Band 1 – the highest possible ranking.

Anne Heide-Jørgensen

Partner, Attorney (L)

Henrik Johann Fürstenberg

Partner, Attorney (H)

Maryla Rytter Wróblewski

Partner, Attorney (H)

Mathias Højte


Janne Glæsel

Partner, Attorney (H)

Our advisory services



Knowledge & Current Affairs

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Children’s interests not given enough
weight in paid-surrogacy adoption ban
Denmark has violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights The European Court of Human Rights has established this on 6 December 2022 in its judgment K.K. and…